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Author: John O'Neill Sr.

I consider myself lucky, having spent my entire career in IT. Blessed with a brother owning a software startup in the 80’s, I began learning coding at 13. By 16, those skills were earning me a paycheck. Loving technology, my journey since then has encompassed many IT disciplines, empowering me to complete widely diverse projects. Everything from multi-national networking, messaging, and communications projects, to ERP, HRIS, and security projects. Today, I work as CTO for an international manufacturing company. In this day and age, IT shouldn’t just keep the lights on. We must endeavor to empower the use of technology as a competitive advantage for our organizations. Using existing technology smarter, while leveraging next generation tech in a manufacturing space is my team’s focus day in and day out. Personally, I love learning and I love sharing what I’ve learned with others. I believe we all have knowledge to share. When we do, the community grows stronger and our lives more fulfilled! I’m passionate about giving back to the IT community. Speaking at conferences, hosting webinars, writing books, magazine articles, and blog entries are some of my favorite methods to live up to the responsibility. Thanks for letting me become part of your IT journey! I look forward to meeting you in person be it at an event, during a virtual event, or even through social media. Twitter is my daily go to for getting hot off the press content out. Follow me @JohnONeillSr.

Total Posts: 61