Hey Checkyourlogs fans,

As discussed, this week in a previous post there was an issue with the Windows Updates that came out in the October 10th Cumulative Updates.

Microsoft has now released a new KB regarding this issue KB4049094 please read this to avoid being impacted by this issue.

Here is the link to the KB for your reference: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4049094/windows-devices-may-fail-to-boot-after-installing-october-10-version-o


Microsoft is aware of a publishing issue with the October 10th, 2017 monthly security updates for Windows 10 version 1703 (KB4041676) and version 1607 (KB4041691), and Windows Server 2016 (KB4041691) for WSUS/SCCM managed devices. Customers that download updates directly from Windows Update (Home and consumer devices) or Windows Update for Business are not impacted.

We have corrected the publishing issue as of the afternoon of October 10th and have validated the cumulative security updates. We recommend all customers take these cumulative security updates.

We have reports of the following symptoms impacting Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) customers. Mitigation plans for the following user reported scenarios can be found below.

  1. WSUS/SCCM Administrators that synced the October 10th update (KB4041676 or KB4041691) before 4pm PDT October 10 may still have these KBs cached.
  2. WSUS/SCCM managed devices that downloaded the October 10 KB4041676 or KB4041691 update with publishing issues and have devices in a pending reboot state.
  3. WSUS/SCCM managed devices that installed the October 10 KB4041676 or KB4041691 update and are unable to boot and/or may land on a recovery screen.

Issue Details

Scenario 1: WSUS/SCCM Administrators that synced the Delta Package versions of KB4041676 or KB4041691 before 4pm PDT October 10 may still have these KBs cached


WSUS/SCCM administrators should re-scan for updates to automatically resolve the publishing issue. The issue is already resolved in WSUS hierarchies that have scanned since 4PM on October 10th. Ensure your upstream and downstream servers are in sync.

Scenario 2: WSUS/SCCM managed devices that have downloaded and staged the Delta Package versions of KB4041676 or KB4041691 but have not rebooted to install


If a device has downloaded and staged Delta Package versions of KB4041676 or KB4041691, a user may fail to boot after restarting. System administrators can remove pending updates by running the following commands from an administrative command prompt on the device:

@echo off

REM Stop all update related services
net stop usosvc
net stop wuauserv
net stop trustedinstaller

REM Delete pending.xml if it exists
takeown /f %windir%\winsxs\pending.xml >NUL 2>&1
icacls %windir%\winsxs\pending.xml /grant Everyone:F >NUL 2>&1
del %windir%\winsxs\pending.xml >NUL 2>&1

REM Modify the components hive
reg unload HKLM\Components >NUL 2>&1
reg load HKLM\ComponentsHive %windir%\system32\config\COMPONENTS
reg delete /f HKLM\ComponentsHive /v PendingXmlIdentifier >NUL 2>&1
reg delete /f HKLM\ComponentsHive /v PoqexecFailure >NUL 2>&1
reg delete /f HKLM\ComponentsHive /v ExecutionState >NUL 2>&1
reg delete /f HKLM\ComponentsHive /v RepairTransactionPended >NUL 2>&1
reg delete /f HKLM\ComponentsHive /v AIFailureInformation >NUL 2>&1
reg delete /f HKLM\ComponentsHive\Installers\RegKeySDTable /v Install >NUL 2>&1
reg delete /f HKLM\ComponentsHive\Installers\RegKeySDTable /v Uninstall >NUL 2>&1
reg delete /f HKLM\ComponentsHive\Installers\RegKeySDTable /v Uninstall >NUL 2>&1
reg unload HKLM\ComponentsHive

REM Stop Poqexec from running
reg delete /f HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Configuration /v DontRunPoqexecInSmss >NUL 2>&1
reg delete /f HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Configuration /v PoqexecCmdline >NUL 2>&1
reg delete /f “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager” /v SETUPEXECUTE >NUL 2>&1
REG ADD “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager” /v SETUPEXECUTE /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d \0 /f

dism /online /remove-package /PackageName:Package_for_RollupFix_Wrapper~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~15063.674.1.8 /norestart >NUL 2>&1
dism /online /remove-package /PackageName:Package_for_RollupFix_Wrapper~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~15063.674.1.8 /norestart >NUL 2>&1
dism /online /remove-package /PackageName:Package_for_RollupFix_Wrapper~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~14393.1770.1.6 /norestart >NUL 2>&1
dism /online /remove-package /PackageName:Package_for_RollupFix_Wrapper~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~14393.1770.1.6 /norestart >NUL 2>&1

Scenario 3: WSUS/SCCM managed devices that installed the Delta Package versions of KB4041676 or KB4041691 and are unable to boot and/or see a recovery screen



These steps should only be followed on a device that fails to boot.

  1. Plug into AC power and turn on the device.
  2. If the device fails to boot, Windows will attempt to repair your device and enter the Windows 10 Recovery Environment. Select “Advanced options” on the Automatic Repair screen.

  3. Select “Troubleshoot”, then “Advanced Options” and then “Command Prompt”. You may be asked to enter a BitLocker Recovery Key or username/password. If prompted for a username/password, you must enter a local account. If you do not have credentials, you many need to create and use a Recovery Drive.

  4. After the Command Prompt launches, run the following to load the software registry hive:

    reg load hklm\temp <drive letter for windows directory>\windows\system32\config\software

    Example: reg load hklm\temp c:\windows\system32\config\software

  5. Run the following command to delete the SessionsPending registry key. If the registry value does not exist, proceed to the next step.

    reg delete “HKLM\temp\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\SessionsPending” /v Exclusive

  6. Run the following to unload the registry:

    reg unload HKLM\temp

  7. Run the following command, which will list all pending updates:

    dism.exe /image:<drive letter for windows directory> /Get-Packages

    Example: dism.exe /image:c:\ /Get-Packages

  8. Run the following command for each packages where “State = Install Pending”:

    dism.exe /image:<drive letter for windows directory> /remove-package /packagename:<package name>

    Example: dism.exe /image:c:\ /remove-package /packagename:Package_for_RollupFix_Wrapper~31bf3856ad365e35~amd64~~15063.674.1.8

    dism.exe /image:c:\ /remove-package /packagename:Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad365e35~amd64~~15063.674.1.8

  9. Close the Command Prompt and click ‘Continue’ to exit the recovery environment.

    Thanks and happy learning,
