Sometimes after we have configured a piece of infrastructure in production it would be nice to see what we have done right?

Well, unfortunately for Storage Spaces Direct a lot of these functions are still trapped inside of the PowerShell Providers that are exposed.

So, we need to work a little bit of magic to get the information that we want out.

Fortunately for you there are some extremely smart people that work on the Microsoft Storage Team and one of them is Cosmos Darwin.

He has authored the amazing Script ShowPrettyLittleVolumes and I use it all the time when deploying Storage Spaces Direct.


Viewing S2D Volume info with Show Pretty Volume

This was a great script authored by Cosmos Darwin Storage PM at Microsoft. It will return a pretty little output from your newly minted S2D Cluster.

Here is the PowerShell Script he wrote:


# Written by Cosmos Darwin, PM
# Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation
# MIT License
# 8/2016

Function ConvertTo-PrettyCapacity {
      Convert raw bytes into prettier capacity strings.

      Takes an integer of bytes, converts to the largest unit (kilo-, mega-, giga-, tera-) that will result in at least 1.0, rounds to given precision, and appends standard unit symbol.

      .PARAMETER Bytes
      The capacity in bytes.

      .PARAMETER RoundTo
      The number of decimal places for rounding, after conversion.

    Param (
    [Int64]$RoundTo = 0 # Default

    If ($Bytes -Gt 0) {
        $Base = 1024 # To Match PowerShell
        $Labels = ("bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB") # Blame Snover
        $Order = [Math]::Floor( [Math]::Log($Bytes, $Base) )
        $Rounded = [Math]::Round($Bytes/( [Math]::Pow($Base, $Order) ), $RoundTo)
        [String]($Rounded) + $Labels[$Order]
    Else {

Function ConvertTo-PrettyPercentage {
      Convert (numerator, denominator) into prettier percentage strings.

      Takes two integers, divides the former by the latter, multiplies by 100, rounds to given precision, and appends "%".

      .PARAMETER Numerator

      .PARAMETER Denominator

      .PARAMETER RoundTo
      The number of decimal places for rounding.

    Param (
        [Int64]$RoundTo = 0 # Default

    If ($Denominator -Ne 0) { # Cannot Divide by Zero
        $Fraction = $Numerator/$Denominator
        $Percentage = $Fraction * 100
        $Rounded = [Math]::Round($Percentage, $RoundTo)
        [String]($Rounded) + "%"
    Else {

### SCRIPT... ###

$Output = @()

# Query Cluster Volumes
$Volumes = Get-StorageSubSystem Cluster* | Get-Volume

ForEach ($Volume in $Volumes) {

    # Get MSFT_Volume Properties
    $Label = $Volume.FileSystemLabel
    $Capacity = $Volume.Size | ConvertTo-PrettyCapacity
    $Used = ConvertTo-PrettyPercentage ($Volume.Size - $Volume.SizeRemaining) $Volume.Size

    If ($Volume.FileSystemType -Like "*ReFS") {
        $Filesystem = "ReFS"
    ElseIf ($Volume.FileSystemType -Like "*NTFS") {
        $Filesystem = "NTFS"

    # Follow Associations
    $Partition   = $Volume    | Get-Partition
    $Disk        = $Partition | Get-Disk
    $VirtualDisk = $Disk      | Get-VirtualDisk

    # Get MSFT_VirtualDisk Properties
    $Footprint = $VirtualDisk.FootprintOnPool | ConvertTo-PrettyCapacity
    $Efficiency = ConvertTo-PrettyPercentage $VirtualDisk.Size $VirtualDisk.FootprintOnPool

    # Follow Associations
    $Tiers = $VirtualDisk | Get-StorageTier

    # Get MSFT_VirtualDisk or MSFT_StorageTier Properties...

    If ($Tiers.Length -Lt 2) {

        If ($Tiers.Length -Eq 0) {
            $ReadFrom = $VirtualDisk # No Tiers
        Else {
            $ReadFrom = $Tiers[0] # First/Only Tier

        If ($ReadFrom.ResiliencySettingName -Eq "Mirror") {
            # Mirror
            If ($ReadFrom.PhysicalDiskRedundancy -Eq 1) { $Resiliency = "2-Way Mirror" }
            If ($ReadFrom.PhysicalDiskRedundancy -Eq 2) { $Resiliency = "3-Way Mirror" }
            $SizeMirror = $ReadFrom.Size | ConvertTo-PrettyCapacity
            $SizeParity = [string](0)
        ElseIf ($ReadFrom.ResiliencySettingName -Eq "Parity") {
            # Parity
            If ($ReadFrom.PhysicalDiskRedundancy -Eq 1) { $Resiliency = "Single Parity" }
            If ($ReadFrom.PhysicalDiskRedundancy -Eq 2) { $Resiliency = "Dual Parity" }
            $SizeParity = $ReadFrom.Size | ConvertTo-PrettyCapacity
            $SizeMirror = [string](0)
        Else {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "What have you done?!"

    ElseIf ($Tiers.Length -Eq 2) { # Two Tiers

        # Mixed / Multi- / Hybrid
        $Resiliency = "Mix"

        ForEach ($Tier in $Tiers) {
            If ($Tier.ResiliencySettingName -Eq "Mirror") {
                # Mirror Tier
                $SizeMirror = $Tier.Size | ConvertTo-PrettyCapacity
                If ($Tier.PhysicalDiskRedundancy -Eq 1) { $Resiliency += " (2-Way" }
                If ($Tier.PhysicalDiskRedundancy -Eq 2) { $Resiliency += " (3-Way" }
        ForEach ($Tier in $Tiers) {
            If ($Tier.ResiliencySettingName -Eq "Parity") {
                # Parity Tier
                $SizeParity = $Tier.Size | ConvertTo-PrettyCapacity
                If ($Tier.PhysicalDiskRedundancy -Eq 1) { $Resiliency += " + Single)" }
                If ($Tier.PhysicalDiskRedundancy -Eq 2) { $Resiliency += " + Dual)" }

    Else {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "What have you done?!"

    # Pack

    $Output += [PSCustomObject]@{
        "Volume" = $Label
        "Filesystem" = $Filesystem
        "Capacity" = $Capacity
        "Used" = $Used
        "Resiliency" = $Resiliency
        "Size (Mirror)" = $SizeMirror
        "Size (Parity)" = $SizeParity
        "Footprint" = $Footprint
        "Efficiency" = $Efficiency

$Output | Sort Efficiency, Volume | FT 





And here is our Output running it:




This script is a great way to see more detail on what has been configured in your S2D Cluster.


Here is a view of a larger system configured with multiple Virtual Disks and Resiliency Settings.


Show-PrettyVolume.PS1 in a larger farm


Well there you have it some more cool tricks to help you manage your very own Storage Spaces Direct cluster.

Hopefully you are moving some production workloads there as we speak.

I will leave you with this quote from my husband Dave Kawula:

What is the greatest Operating System on the face of this planet?

Only Windows Server 2016 – Mic Drop – By Dave Kawula






Cristal Kawula

Cristal Kawula is the co-founder of MVPDays Community Roadshow and #MVPHour live Twitter Chat. She was also a member of the Gridstore Technical Advisory board and is the President of TriCon Elite Consulting. Cristal is also only the 2nd woman in the world to receive the prestigious Veeam Vanguard award.



Twitter: @supercristal1 / @mvpdays / #mvphour

Checkout to see where the MVPDays Roadshow will be next. Maybe it will be in a city near you.