Time Changes

Well I recently blogged about time syncronization issues in Windows Time Sync – The fixes!. This troubleshooting still works on Windows Server 2016, but hopefully we don’t need to do it as often!

Windows Server 2016 should now maintain 1ms acurracy with UTC time and better condition the clock for more accurate time. This is because of the new algorithms and more period time checks from a valid UTC server. These new features are valid for:

  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 10 Anniversary

Keep in mind though that any workgroup members will still be using time.windows.com as their time source. It “works”, but you will most likely be a little off.

If you read my last blog post or have ever had to do any sort of time troubleshooting, we were basically left with a few command line tools. Microsoft has now provided us with Performance Counters for the Windows Time Service!

Perfmon - Windows Time Service

Perfmon – Windows Time Service

Best Practice has changed

Prior to running Hyper-V on Windows Server 2016, it was a best practice to disable time sync on all VMs. This has changed, it is now a best practice to enable Time Syncronization for the Operating Systems listed above, including any newer released Linux VMs.

More Information

TechNet, Windows Server 2016 Accurate Time – https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server-docs/identity/ad-ds/get-started/windows-time-service/windows-2016-accurate-time
Video Overview – https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/windowsserver/Time-Improvements-in-Windows-Server-2016