As we look ahead to 2023, it’s clear that cyber security and ransomware attacks will continue to be a significant concern for organizations of all sizes. Dave Kawula and John O’Neill Sr, two industry experts with extensive experience in cyber security and ransomware prevention, have shared their insights and predictions for the top trends in this area for the coming year. Here are some of the key takeaways from their conversations:

  1. Continued focus on the human element: Despite technological advances and security solutions, humans remain the weakest link in cyber security. Attackers are increasingly targeting individuals through phishing attacks and social engineering, and organizations must emphasize educating their employees on identifying and avoiding these threats.
  2. Ransomware as a service: Ransomware attacks will continue to be a significant concern in 2023, and one new trend is the rise of ransomware as a service. This means that attackers now offer their ransomware tools and services to other criminals on the dark web, making it easier and cheaper for them to launch attacks.
  3. Emphasis on zero-trust security: As more organizations move their operations to the cloud, there will be a greater emphasis on zero-trust security models. This approach assumes that all users, devices, and applications are untrusted and must be verified and authenticated before access to sensitive data and resources.
  4. Greater use of artificial intelligence and machine learning: As the volume of data and the complexity of attacks continue to grow, there will be greater reliance on artificial intelligence and machine learning to help detect and respond to threats. These technologies can help identify patterns and anomalies in data that might not be visible to humans.
  5. Continued regulatory focus on data protection: With data breaches and cyber-attacks continuing to make headlines, regulators will continue to focus more on data protection and privacy. As a result, organizations must ensure they comply with relevant regulations and have appropriate security measures in place to protect sensitive data.

Overall, it’s clear that cyber security and ransomware attacks will continue to be a significant concern in 2023. Organizations must remain vigilant and continue investing in security solutions, education, and training to mitigate these risks. By staying current on the latest trends and best practices, businesses can better protect themselves and their customers from the ever-evolving threat landscape.


John O’Neill Sr rMVP