Set up connectors to route mail between Office 365 and on-premises exchange Server

Create a connector from Office 365 to on-premises email server (It will be added automatically if you were using Full Hybrid configuration)

  1. Logon office 365 portal with administrator account, open Exchange Admin Center.
  2. Select mail flow and click connectors.

3. Click + to start the wizard.

4. On the Select your mail flow scenario page, select office 365 at From: and select Your Organization’s email server at To: , click Next.

5. On New connector page, enter the name for your connector, click Next.

6. On When do you want to use this connector? page, select For email messages sent to all accepted domains in your organization, click Next.

7. On How do you want to route email messages? page, click +.

8. The add smart host page will pop up, type on-premises Exchange CAS Server External FQDN name, click Save and then click Next.

9. On How should Office 365 connect to your email server? page, keep the recommended default setting, click Next.

10. Review the settings and click Next.

11. On validate this connector page, click + .

12. On add email page, type test email address and then click OK.

13. On validate this connector page, click Validate.

14. Click Close after test is done.

15. Login your email account your will see the Test email for connector validation.

16. On the Validation Result page, make sure task status is Succeeded, and then click Save.

Hope you enjoy this post.

Cary sun